Professional Practice – week 4; Amazing Race and the finding

Team: Jason, Mickhel, Tristan

We start our amazing race at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki on kitchener street. The race was fun, we spend half day in the gallery, visit jewelry museum, another art museum in lorne street. Then in class we were compete with other group in order to win some gift for whom got high point by answering a question we got when at the auckland gallery. Unfortunately we only scored 29.

The finding for my group was  : “Immigration”, we are trying to pin like a map and places since it is related to the finding topic.

Group Presentation: Vivienne Westwood (week 1)

Group Power Point
Team : Gino, Jason, Mickhel, Tristan

Vivienne Westwood PPT

Dame v.w, was born in Derbyshire on 8th april 1941, is a   legendary  british fashion designer and business woman . she was very famous in fashion design world which active for  more than 34 years. 

Westwood is one of the most influential and respected designers in the fashion industry as she also win many award / achievement in her career. Moreover many of fashion shop in the world especially in european already stand under her label.

Westwood was the designer who often let her clothes speak for themselves, as independent designs and as her own statements of culture. This idea that she uses her clothing as a statement of her own is a motif consistent throughout her time as a designer.

Mother of Punk
Vivienne Westwood is often cited as punk’s creator, but the complex genesis of punk is also found in England’s depressed economic and sociopolitical conditions of the mid-1970s. Punk was as much a youthful reaction against older generations, considered oppressive and outdated, as a product of the newly recognized and influential youth culture.